Monday, April 16, 2012

All Badges Complete

I have completed all badges required to obtain an "A" in this course! Thank you for teaching this semester!

OpenEd Researcher Complete

OpenEd Researcher Complete*

*I am re-reviewing the open licensing suggested materials in greater depth before I check myself off, but I will complete this before the class lunch tomorrow, and I am not certain what computer access I will have between now and then, so I decided to report.

Open Licensing: Part 2

3 Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (will provide summaries in comment to this post later, thanks!):

The four ‘R’s of openness and ALMS analysis: frameworks for open educational resources

This article introduces a spectrum of openness, using the 4 Rs: Reuse, Redistribute, Revise, and Remix. Even if a resource is “open” under this definition, there may still be technical barriers to openness, especially regarding revising and remixing. These include whether there is access to editing tools, the level of expertise required to revise/remix, whether the resource is editable in a meaningful way, and access to source file.

Impediments to Learning Object Reuse and Openness as a Potential Solution

This paper seeks to expand the definition of reuse (i.e. using 4Rs). The article further argues that the use of an open license that provides 4Rs usage rights will have the benefits, includingexpanding understanding of reuse and increasing the availability of educational materials to individuals and organizations with limited resources. The article also asserts that open licenses are easy to use.

The Creation and Use of Open Educational Resources in Christian Higher Education

This article describes the different levels at which open educational resources are “open” (4 Rs). It also explores motivations and obstacles to creating OERs, including copyright issues. Further, the article defines and explains the uses of Creative Commons licenses.

5 Additional Resources:

A Shared Culture:

This video provides an explanation of Creative Commons Licenses.

Wikipedia: Creative Commons License

Provides an overview of the types of licences and combinations of licenses.

New YouTube Uploading Feature Creative Commons License:

The producer explains creative commons licenses as they pertain to YouTube videos. Ironically, the video does not feature a CC license itself. :)

Creative Commons Advertisement!

Propaganda + examples of how to use the licenses!

Creative Commons Kiwi

CC explanatory educational video combined with accelerated illustration art. If you have 5 minutes, this offers a great overview of combinations.

Friday, April 13, 2012

OCW: Part 2!

3 Peer-reviewed Articles

The Creation of OpenCourseWare at MIT

This article embraces a historical tenor and explores the creation of the MIT OCW project. The article includes the strategy behind the launch, its precursors, and its evolution. Key players identified and discussed include: administrators, advocates, and others on/off campus. The article concludes by identifying sustainability challenges.

What is OpenCourseWare and Why Does it Matter?

This article provides a mile-high view regarding the history of OCW (e.g. Sharewared, Linux). It then suggests why OCW is/will have an impact. Reasons include OCW’s impact on traditional schools, copyright law, and its worldwide potential.

OOPS, Turning MIT Opencourseware into Chinese: An analysis of a community of practice of global translators

Opensource Opencourseware Prototype System (OOPS) in Taiwan was designed to translate open source materials from MIT’s OCW site into Chinese. This article explored how OOPS collaborated while interpreting the materials in order to provide a window into the emergence and functioning of an online global education “community of practice” in the OER movement.

5 Additional Resources

(1) MIT OpenCourseWare 1800 Event Video

MIT showed this video to celebrate the publication of the 1800th course on MIT OpenCourseWare. It is an advertisement-style (mile-high) overview of some of the benefits of OCW at MIT.

(2) Bill Gates on MIT OpenCourseWare

Bill Gates provides some informal comments about MIT’s OCW, including noting that he took a class OCW.

(3) OpenCourseWare

Note: Good video short included here showing the benefit of OCW to those in 3rd world countries with Internet access (i.e. man trying to water his field watches agricultural lecture and adopts idea).

(4) OpenCourseWare—Wikipedia

This submission defines OCW, notes its beginnings (e.g. MIT, Yale) and discusses how it is developing in China and Japan.

(5) Utah State OCW Link

I have a guess regarding who facilitated this . . . J

USU offers a number of courses ( via OCW.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

OpenEd Evangelist Badge Complete

OpenEd Evangelist Badge Complete. Thanks!

OpenEd Evangelist Interview

I spoke with a member of BYU's Computer Science Department ("the Professor"). He has worked there since 1984, timely received tenure, and is currently approximately 4-6 years from retirement.

I originally intended to discuss Open Data with the Professor; however, he was well-versed in Open Access and expressed a preference to discuss that topic instead if possible. I obliged. I was into my second sentence of the overview, and the Professor excitedly began his own overview of the topic, the arguments on both sides, his conclusions, and noted briefly the current research he is doing in the area. :)

Overview/Prediction: The professor predicted that OA will eventually overtake the scholarly journals just as Internet resources have overtaken Encyclopedias. There are, however, unique barriers OA faces that will cause non-OA sources to survive longer than Encyclopedias.

Advantages of OA:

The Professor noted that open access (OA) is a win-win situation. Authors gain a wider audience for their work, and students and teachers gain greater access to scholarly work. I added other advantages to the list (e.g. Internet publications could receive more hits and draw more advertising). The Professor acknowledge these advantages.

OA Questions/Barriers:

The Professor focused his remarks on the questions regarding and the barriers to OA.


The Professor quickly listed a number questions; he focused on these two:

(1) Who will pay for storage/retrieval of materials?

Response: (See "Current Research" section below)

(2) How do you determine the quality of the material?

Response: Peer review is intended to monitor quality. OA could still feature peer review. In the alternative, qualifying readers could “rate” articles in OA journals/publications.


(1) Momentum is still behind traditional journals. “Old people” (i.e. those currently in power) don’t like new technology/ideas beyond those that have served them well during their careers and are less likely to abandon text and tradition for OA and computer-mediated journals. "Young people" (i.e. those just starting their career) rely on those currently in power to obtain career advancement and recognition. Tenure, for example, is still based on the metrics of prestige of journal over number of citations.

Personal observation: This is why Christensen's "disruption" is difficult in OA. Potential disrupters heavily rely on those they would disrupt.

(2) Publishers of traditional journals do not have incentive to stop charging money at this time, period.

Consequently, the most likely actors, old people, young people, and publishers, are not acting at this time. I pointed out that if the so-called young people came to power and changed the standards for tenure, the cycle would discontinue. He agreed, but expressed that many of the incentives that old people enjoy would be offered to young people.

Current Research: Professor is currently determining if there is a way to decrease the costs associated with mass storage and retrieval (to address cost issues like those Wikipedia is facing). He terms the concept “distributed systems."

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Open Access: Part 2)


· 3 peer-reviewed articles

1. Citation Advantage of Open Access Articles

Summary: The authors compared OA and non-OA articles published in specified issues (2004) of a certain journal to determine whether OA facilitated the dissemination of the article. Significantly, the authors found that "[t]he average number of citations of OA articles was higher compared to non-OA articles."

2. Open Access Publishing, Article Downloads, and Citations: Randomised Controlled Trial

Summary: The authors examined 11 journals published by the American Physiological Society "[t]o measure the effect of free access to the scientific literature on article downloads and citations." The authors found that OA articles may reach more readers, but no evidence was found of a citation advantage for the OA articles within a year of their publication.

3. Perceptions of Open Access Publishing: Interviews with Journal Authors

Summary: Authors conducted telephone interviews with authors who published in BMJ in 2003 to gauge their attitude towards OA and their willingness to submit to OA journals. Almost everyone supported the concept of OA, but few had submitted to an OA journal other than BMJ and many said they would most likely continue to submit to journals they perceived as "high quality," whether or not they were OA. (Note: I located and cited to the summary of this article)

· 5 additional resources (videos, readings, podcasts)

1. Open Access

This video provides a brief cartoon/series of sketches to introduce the concept of open access in a university setting.

2. Benefits of Open Access

BioMed Central authors and editors outline the benefits of open access/publishing.

3. Comparing the Impact of Open Access (OA) vs. Non-OA Articles in the Same Journals

This article compares the citation counts of individual OA and non-OA articles appearing in the same (non-OA) journals.

4. The Library Minute: Open Access

General propaganda piece with some excellent video effects.

5. Open Access 101

Enjoyable overview of the journal submission and publication process via the traditional route and using open access methods...with subtitles in French!

Monday, April 9, 2012

OpenEd Evangelist

Arguments for Open Data

  1. "Data belongs to the human race" (e.g. medical science)
  2. Public money was used to fund the work
  3. It was created by a government institution
  4. Ideas cannot be copyrighted
  5. Sponsors of research do not get full value unless the resulting data are freely available
  6. Restrictions on data re-use create an anticommons
  7. Data is required for communal human activities (maps)
  8. The rate of discovery is accelerated by better access to data

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Apprentice Level Badge Complete

Apprentice Level Badge Complete:

Novice Badge Complete

Novice Badge Links:

Open Licensing:

Open Access:

Open Content:

Open Courseware:

Open Data:


Open Source:

Open Science:

Open Business Models:

Open Assessment:

Open Teaching:

Open Policy:

Friday, April 6, 2012

Open Policy

I thoroughly enjoyed facilitating the discussion on open policy today. In that discussion, we touched on three main examples of open policy. I used text from the noted websites below for future reference:


· The NIH Public Access Policy ensures that the public has access to the published results of NIH funded research. It requires scientists to submit final peer-reviewed journal manuscripts that arise from NIH funds to the digital archive PubMed Central upon acceptance for publication.

· Policy requires papers on PubMed Central no later than 12 months after publication.

Federal Research Public Access Act

The Federal Research Public Access Act proposes to make manuscripts reporting on federally funded research publicly available within six months of publication in a journal.


The bill

1) Open License: requires government funded educational resources to be made widely available to the public under an open license,

2) clarifies that resources produced by public servants under his/her official capacities should be open educational resources (or otherwise released under an open access framework), and

3) urges the government to support open federated systems for the distribution and archiving of OER.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Earn My Badge

I have created a badge:

Open Policy Expert (OPE) (Apprentice Level)

Description: To become an open policy expert, carefully review all readings and video material provided for the class regarding open policy. Conduct additional research to obtain extra resources regarding open policy. Compile your research in a PowerPoint presentation, pamphlet or other distributable format and share the material during a class session of any size or an informal discussion with at least three people.